Design - Garage

Whether you are planning to renovate your current garage or build a brand-new garage, there are many important factors to consider!
You want a new garage, but you have to consider all the specifics. Part of that is determining which garage door is right for you and which opener will lift and drop it efficiently. While it might seem as simple as choosing a color and design you like, it goes beyond that!
If you’ve been taking a long, hard look at your home in recent years, you’re not alone. In the wake of the pandemic, home improvements have risen dramatically.
What are we talking about? Well, imagine that you’ve decided to build a garage and you’re going to add a new door. Not knowing a lot, you think “I’ll just get a standard size door!”
All-glass garage doors are the rage. They’ve been featured on television design shows and you’ll see them all the time on Instagram and even for real in restaurant patios.
The family room that once inhabited the basement of your home or the main living level may have given itself over to a DIY space or even a room specifically for teens and friends. The pool table has become a cluttered "table," and the game room is no more. If that is not a familiar tale, maybe it is because you've been eager to have a game for a while, but haven't thought you had the space.
You probably haven’t thought about this, but your commercial garage door says a lot about your company. If you’re scratching your head going “Really?”—don’t worry, you’re not the only one. Lot’s of other owners of businesses like yours would think the same way. But it’s time that you start thinking differently about it now. Your garage doors are part of the face of your business. And faces can leave lasting impressions.
Most of the time, when you look at garage door windows, they are going to be in the very top section or the one right under that. What you may not realize is that you can place them in numerous ways.
When you think the words “carriage house”, do you picture a house with a gracious, classic feeling of warmth and luxury? Do you picture the beautiful countryside and upscale craftsmanship?
Summer is here and we’re all thinking about spending as much time outside as possible. Thanks to recent trends, it’s becoming increasingly popular to spend time outside, and to bring the outdoors inside. Outdoor living is a big thing, and we’re not just talking about your average patio set or swinging seat; we’re talking about outdoor living rooms, outdoor kitchens, and outdoor dining rooms.

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