
You’ve heard the adage – the clothes make the man. However, did you know that “clothes” and “garage door” can be interchangeable?

The family room that once inhabited the basement of your home or the main living level may have given itself over to a DIY space or even a room specifically for teens and friends. The pool table has become a cluttered "table," and the game room is no more. If that is not a familiar tale, maybe it is because you've been eager to have a game for a while, but haven't thought you had the space.
You probably haven’t thought about this, but your commercial garage door says a lot about your company. If you’re scratching your head going “Really?”—don’t worry, you’re not the only one. Lot’s of other owners of businesses like yours would think the same way. But it’s time that you start thinking differently about it now. Your garage doors are part of the face of your business. And faces can leave lasting impressions.
Yes, you absolutely should have yearly maintenance checks for your residential garage door. In fact, you should actually have one done twice during the year. As is true with most things, you’re going to have to spend far more time and money fixing something that has become a problem than you would to prevent the problem.
You are in the market for a new electric garage door opener, and you aren’t quite sure which option you could choose. You know that there are different types, but which one is truly the best? The systems that are available today will be based on a chain, a screw, or a rubber belt. Jackshaft models are available, as well, which are installed next to the door.
One of the top ways to accent your home and draw eyes is to change your garage door. While you’re in the process of doing so, this also offers a great time to make changes or add to your outdoor lighting near your garage and home.

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