Design – Home

What are we talking about? Well, imagine that you’ve decided to build a garage and you’re going to add a new door. Not knowing a lot, you think “I’ll just get a standard size door!”
All-glass garage doors are the rage. They’ve been featured on television design shows and you’ll see them all the time on Instagram and even for real in restaurant patios.

You’ve heard the adage – the clothes make the man. However, did you know that “clothes” and “garage door” can be interchangeable?

One of the top ways to accent your home and draw eyes is to change your garage door. While you’re in the process of doing so, this also offers a great time to make changes or add to your outdoor lighting near your garage and home.
Have you been trying to figure out exactly what type of lighting you should add to you’re the garage you are putting up? Maybe you already have a garage and you’ve found that the lighting that’s in place simply doesn’t do the job. It might not be providing you with enough light to do everything you need. Let’s look at some simple tips that can help you improve the lighting situation in the garage area.

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